The global healthcare market is now focusing on the digital healthcare technologies of ezCaretech ,
Korea’s leading Health IT service Company for the prevention and treatment for COVID-19.

The KLAS, global leader Healthcare IT market research, published a special report in March 2020 reporting ezCaretch’s BESTCare 2.0 EHR solution to be effective and helpful in remotely tracking and monitoring patient’s conditions. This report analyzes over 200 digital healthcare solutions across the globe. ezCaretech’s solution is the only solution included in this list among all Asian Pacific solutions.
The ezCaretech’s HIS BESTCare 2.0provides ▲CDSS(Clinical Decision Support System), ▲EHR(Electronic Health Record), ▲RRS(Rapid Response System), ▲PHR(Personal Health Record). For example, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital was chosen as an exemplary model for utilizing a remote patient monitoring system to combat person-contact risks. ezCaretech provides all system development, utilization, and support for SNUBH for the remote patient monitoring system. Especially, interfacing and customizing various solutions developed for different purposes based on the hospital’s request allowed them to quickly and effectively combat COVID-19.
Specifically, combining CDSS with DUR provided by the government enabled a system for people entering Korea from high-risk nations or parts of Korea to check and alert medical professionals. The BESTCare’s industry top-tier EHR digitalizes a patient’s prior diagnosis, illness, and treatment to increase the efficiency of patient care. A newly added feature allows all employees to input their body temperature and respiratory symptoms every morning into the EHR to monitor every possible infectious risk for early detection. Also, the improved CDSS allows periodic monitoring of vital signs and real-time prediction of severe patients according to a set algorithm. This allows healthcare providers to monitor real-time changes in patients’ severity and help them respond appropriately. Adding to this, patients are provided with the PHR app and newly implemented survey system to input any necessary information including vital signs of the patient at home or at a treatment center periodically. This data will then automatically sync with a hospital to provide efficient medical staffing by providing remote monitoring technology that is continuously monitored.
“We are pleased to hear that our digital healthcare technologies are assisting front-line medical professionals. We are providing our clients and those professionals with necessary customization to meet fast-changing environment to include SNUBH, SNUH, Kei-myung University Daegu Dongsan Medical Center, Chungnam University Hospital, Gachun University Hospital, Ewha Medical Center, and all other hospitals utilizing BESTCare 2.0.  With the COVID-19 pandemic, there is a spike in interest in digital healthcare technology.

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